Turbidity is a measure of the turbidity of the water and can consist of particles or opalescence, i.e. very small particles, which give the water a certain "milkiness".
What is meant by particles?
Particles make the water cloudy. Turbidity is a measure of the proportion of particles in the water. Particles can be found in most of the water we take into our pipe systems. Particles can be, for example, sand, gravel, iron or cuttings. The reason is in many cases metal compounds
or clay, which may be due to the well leaking.
At 3 FNU or more, you can see turbidity with your own eye.
What level is acceptable?
The regulated levels will always shift between different countries and decision makers. In Sweden there is no regulation for the level of turbidity, but levels over 3 FNU will lead to a milkiness that can be seen with the eye.
How do I know I have particles in my water?
The water is cloudy. You are mainly affected with water from your own well or if you take water from a lake, but also some municipal water can from time to time contain particles.
What problems can occur when there are particles in the water?
Particles in the water eventually give rise to technical and aesthetic problems such as clogged and damaged household appliances, strainers, water heaters, heating coils, jamming toilets, etc. This leads to larger and more expensive costs for you as a property owner.
Bluewater machines remove over 99% of turbidity.
Do Bluewater machines remove turbidity?
Yes, Bluewater removes over 99% of nitrate in your water! But if you have levels above 0,5 FNU we recommend to install pre-treatment as turbidity will build up in the membrane and reduce the life length of the machine.